Assassinos, é um espectáculo criado pelo estreante colectivo teatral “Entre Pontos”, uma adaptação da peça La noche de los asesinos do cubano José Triana. Neste texto, escrito originalmente na década de cinquenta, Triana coloca em cena três irmãos que “encenam” a morte dos pais, libertando-se da asfixia de um sistema paternal fortemente ditatorial e opressivo. O resultado deste crime é uma reflexão sagaz e acutilante sobre valores tão universais como a liberdade, a urgência de afirmação e a revolução.
Muitíssimo actual e dotada de um sentido de teatralidade alucinante, esta tragédia combina a depuração das unidades pseudo-aristotélicas com a mestria dos ensinamentos shakespearianos patente, por exemplo, no recurso à “play within a play” e na hamletização dos personagens, ou não fossem Lalo, Cuco e Bebo, também eles, heróis da inacção.
Assassinos is an adaptation of the play La noche de los asesinos (written by the cuban playwriter José Triana) created by the most recent Portuguese theatre company: “Entre Pontos”. In this play, originally written in the 50’s, Triana stages three brothers who “play” the murderer of their parents, freeing themselves from an oppressive and suffocating dictatorial system embodied by their father and mother. The outcome of this crime is a thorough and long-sighted reflection on universal themes such as liberty, the necessity of vindication of ones’ own voice and revolution.
This tragedy, extremely contemporary on its themes and deeply theatrical in composition, combines the clearance of the so called Aristotelian units with the mastery of Shakespeare, evident in the use of the “play within a play” artifice as well as in the hamletization of Lalo, Cuco and Bebo who, like their archetype, are truly inaction heroes.
Muitíssimo actual e dotada de um sentido de teatralidade alucinante, esta tragédia combina a depuração das unidades pseudo-aristotélicas com a mestria dos ensinamentos shakespearianos patente, por exemplo, no recurso à “play within a play” e na hamletização dos personagens, ou não fossem Lalo, Cuco e Bebo, também eles, heróis da inacção.
Assassinos is an adaptation of the play La noche de los asesinos (written by the cuban playwriter José Triana) created by the most recent Portuguese theatre company: “Entre Pontos”. In this play, originally written in the 50’s, Triana stages three brothers who “play” the murderer of their parents, freeing themselves from an oppressive and suffocating dictatorial system embodied by their father and mother. The outcome of this crime is a thorough and long-sighted reflection on universal themes such as liberty, the necessity of vindication of ones’ own voice and revolution.
This tragedy, extremely contemporary on its themes and deeply theatrical in composition, combines the clearance of the so called Aristotelian units with the mastery of Shakespeare, evident in the use of the “play within a play” artifice as well as in the hamletization of Lalo, Cuco and Bebo who, like their archetype, are truly inaction heroes.