Aart G. Broek

Aart G. Broek, ph.d., (Netherlands, 1954), a senior researcher associated part-time with Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde [Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies], Leyden, see www.kitlv.nl, and a ‘diversity & integration’ consultant for the Carilexis bureau, see www.carilexis.nl; at present involved in research in the field of criminology, viz. research into the potential effects of ‘exclusion’, including the ‘violent scope of perceptions of shame’. This resulted in the publication of De terreur van schaamte; Brandstof voor agressie [The terror of shame; Fuel for aggression] Haarlem, Neth., 2007)

He lived and worked in Curaçao from 1981 – 2001, especially involved in research and advice projects in the field of Caribbean cultural studies; he published curricula for secondary schools in the Dutch Caribbean (such as What yuh haffi say bout dat? [on Caribbean writing in English], ‘s Hertogenbosch, Neth., 1997), a substantial number of articles and book length studies (such as the two volume De kleur van mijn eiland; ideologie en schrijven in Papiamentu sinds 1863 [The colour of my island; Ideology and writing in Papiamentu since 1863], Leyden, Neth., 2006), columns, reports, reviews, and essays (collected in Het zilt van de passaten; Caribische cultuur in de 20ste eeuw [Salty tradewinds; Caribbean culture in the 20th century], Haarlem, Neth., 2000). He recently co-edited the complete works of one of the best known Dutch Antillean authors, viz. Tip Marugg (De hemel is van korte duur; Verzameld werk 1945 – 1995 [Heaven is short-lived; Collected Works 1945-1995], Amsterdam, Neth., 2009) and edited essays for another well known Dutch Antillean author, viz. Boeli van Leeuwen (Met liefde behandelen [Treasure Up], Haarlem, Neth., 2008).